News in 2016

  • David John Saunders, 1963-2015 11 January 2016 David Saunders, an Estates Assistant with Site Services, died last month. His colleague Matt Davies, Assistant Site Services Manager, offers this tribute.
  • Dr Richard Bolster, 1937-2015 11 January 2016 Dr Richard Bolster, Lecturer in French (then Senior Research Fellow) at Bristol from 1965 to 2005, died late in 2015.
  • South West Nuclear Hub and National Nuclear Laboratory sign a Memorandum of Understanding 11 January 2016 The University of Bristol’s South West Nuclear Hub has entered into a strategic relationship with the National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL), who undertake applied nuclear research and development with a key role in supporting government and industry in strategic nuclear programmes.
  • Can computer games improve the ability to study? 8 January 2016 Computer-based games can have a beneficial effect on learning, according to ground-breaking new research from the University of Bristol. The brain-imaging study shows that – contrary to popular belief - technological game-playing can involve brain activity that positively supports learning. The research, with students at Bristol, is linked to a bigger classroom study which will involve 10,000 secondary school pupils across the UK – and for which participants are currently being recruited.
  • Study finds CBT offers long-term benefits for people with depression 7 January 2016 People with depression that has not responded fully to treatment with antidepressants benefit long-term from receiving a type of talking therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), given in addition to their usual treatment that includes antidepressant medication, a new study has found.
  • NHS reorganisation and workload pressures causing GP retention crisis 7 January 2016 NHS reorganisation, coupled with increased GP workload and reduced time for patient care, are combining to force many doctors to leave general practice early, according to a significant new study published today (Thursday 7 January 2016). The findings, published in the British Journal of General Practice by researchers from the Universities of Bristol, Bath and Staffordshire, also highlight how nearly half (45.5 per cent) of all GPs leaving the profession in England between 2009-14 were under 50.
  • ‘Superdeep’ diamonds provide new insight into earth’s carbon cycle 7 January 2016 Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered new insights into previously hidden parts of the earth’s carbon cycle. The team found that carbon recycling extends into the deep mantle by plate subduction, but is still primarily constrained to upper mantle depths, above 700km. The researchers made the discovery that certain rare diamonds are formed when carbon that was sequestered from seawater into the Earth’s shifting tectonic plates reacts with the mantle after the plate is subducted – a process by which it moves under another tectonic plate and sinks into the mantle as the plates converge.
  • How can livestock produce food that is better for the people and the planet? 6 January 2016 An internationally renowned panel of speakers will share their perspectives on what role livestock can and should play in ensuring global food security and answer audience questions at a free event next week [Tuesday 12 January].
  • People face subconscious urges to over-eat at this time of year, study finds 6 January 2016 People have evolved to have subconscious urges to over-eat, and limited ability to avoid becoming obese, especially in winter, a study by the Universities of Bristol and Exeter has found. There is not yet an evolutionary mechanism to help us overcome the lure of sweet, fatty and unhealthy food and avoid becoming overweight for understandable and sensible reasons, according to researchers.
  • Marathon man Richard runs 4092km in 2015 5 January 2016 A Bristol man has run at least 5km everyday throughout 2015, fulfilling a personal challenge and raising over £2,500 for charity. Richard Harris, a Professor of Quantitative Social Geography at the University of Bristol, has not only completed the challenge but he’s averaged 11km a day thanks to completing a number of marathons and ultra-marathons.
  • Current pace of environmental change is unprecedented in Earth’s history 4 January 2016 University of Bristol Cabot Institute researchers and their colleagues today published research that further documents the unprecedented rate of environmental change occurring today, compared to that which occurred during natural events in Earth’s history.
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