News in November

  • Ask bigger questions – the impact of Big Data analytics 11 November 2014 What is the impact of Big Data analytics on the way people do business and its advance across public and private sectors? This question will be explored by the co-founder of Cloudera, an American-based software company, at a free University of Bristol public lecture tomorrow.
  • Mike Chaplin, 1948-2014 11 November 2014 Mike Chaplin, a former Senior Porter in the Computer Centre, died recently. Liz Lynch, Site Services Manager, offers an appreciation.
  • Professor Louis Solomon, 1928-2014 10 November 2014 Louis Solomon, former Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, died in August. Emeritus Professor Ian Learmonth and Professor Ashley Blom offer a tribute.
  • Bristol students help to launch UNESCO Sustainability Literacy Test 10 November 2014 How well-prepared are the world’s students to tackle the key challenges in social, economic and environmental sustainability?
  • Molecular breakthrough could halt the spread of prostate cancer 10 November 2014 Scientists believe a new treatment, shown to be effective in mice, could halt the growth of tumours in patients with prostate cancer.
  • Trial evaluates new laser operation for prostate surgery 10 November 2014 A £1.2 million trial to evaluate the use of new laser technology for benign prostate surgery – one of the most common operations performed on the NHS - is underway in Bristol.
  • Pigeon English author visits Big Read finale 7 November 2014 The University of Bristol Big Read will culminate in a visit from Stephen Kelman, author of Pigeon English, on Thursday [13 November].
  • That’s cracking - University launches first MOOC 7 November 2014 The University of Bristol’s first Massive Online Open Course (MOOC), Cracking Mechanics - Further Maths for Engineers, will be launched next week [Monday 10 November]. The free six week course is aimed at anyone, particularly sixth formers, who is interested in a career in engineering, maths or physical science.
  • Health research receives £3 million funding boost 6 November 2014 Innovative medical research led by the University of Bristol has been given a £3 million boost thanks to new funding awarded by the Wellcome Trust.
  • Students challenged to harness tidal energy of Bristol Channel 5 November 2014 Mayor of Bristol George Ferguson yesterday [Tuesday 4 November] met with final year engineering students at the University of Bristol to launch the Bristol 2015 Marine Energy Accelerator Programme (MEAP) - a year-long programme of events and other initiatives, co-funded by Bristol City Council and Bristol 2015 European Green Capital.
  • NASA scientist to discuss the limitations of human vision 4 November 2014 How do people view the visual world, what are the limitations of human vision and what are the implications of these for technology development? These questions will be explored by NASA’s Senior Scientist for Vision Research at a free University of Bristol public lecture next week.
  • Bristol philosopher writes on child patients’ testimonies in The Lancet 4 November 2014 A paper by Professor Havi Carel in the Department of Philosophy was recently published in The Lancet, one of the oldest and most prestigious medical journals in the world.
  • Variations in ice sheet height influence global climate 3 November 2014 Heinrich events, in which large masses of icebergs rapidly broke free from ice sheets during the last ice age, are thought to have influenced global climate by interrupting ocean circulation patterns with a large influx of freshwater. However, new research from the University of Bristol suggests the variations in the height of the ice sheet that happen in these events might also influence global climate.
  • Modern technology restores ancient dinosaur fossil 3 November 2014 A rare dinosaur fossil has been restored by an international team of scientists, led by Dr Stephan Lautenschlager from the University of Bristol, using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (CT scanning) and digital visualisation techniques. The work is described this week in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
  • University business incubators provide best service for technology start-ups 3 November 2014 SETsquared has been named as the best service provider for the West’s technology sector.
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