About BVI

About - Mantis

Bristol Vision Institute (BVI) was formed in 2008 on the basis of strength across disciplines. It brings together some 170 associates from engineering, computer science, biological sciences, psychology, ophthalmology, history of art, film & television and medicine with the aim of addressing grand challenges in vision research.

BVI is one of the largest vision groups in Europe, and is unique worldwide in terms of its scope. It is particularly proud to have hosted the EPSRC Platform Grant in vision science and engineering - Vision for the Future. BVI offers unequalled potential for progressing vision research in its broadest sense - from perception to application.

About. Outbreath. Further Research Outbreath

‘Outbreath’ is a life-size document of one two hundredth of a second in the growth and decay of the normally invisible turbulence trail formed during exhalation. It was created by local artist Mat Chivers in collaboration with BVI researchers Colin Dalton and Neill Campbell and with the BBC Natural History Unit.

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