Cat of the Month 2025
Minnie is March Cat of the Month
As her owner is not on social media, we have our Data Administrator Mel's lovely kitten Fergal modelling the cat toy Minnie has won.
Here are a few details about Minnie her owner kindly shared with us:
"Minnie was born into a litter of feral farm kittens. Her and her brother Archie found their forever homes through Cats Protection. Archie happily lives with the owner's daughter still. Minnie enjoys a very content and pampered life. She loves to sleep stretched out in front of the log burner or curled up on her owner's lap."
Trudi is February Cat of the Month
Her owner shared with us:
"When I first got her from the Cats Protection Society she was terrified of people having been found with her siblings in a garden, it was weeks before I could touch her & months before I could hold her. Now her favourite occupation is sitting on my lap watching tv & helping with anything I’m trying to do!"
Button is January Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us:
'Button is a young at heart old boy. In the summer he loves nothing more than exploring outside and going on all day adventures. As soon as it turns colder Button seeks out a warm lap or a spot under the radiator, and never strays far from home. Despite his advanced years Button still manages to get up to all sorts of mischief. One of his favourite tricks is to seek out and eat any freshly baked cup cakes left out to cool…they’re much more tasty than shop bought cat treats!!'
Bert is December Cat of the Month
Her owner shared with us:
- Named along with her brother Ernie as we thought they were both boys! But the names stuck!
- For 14 she can still be very kitten like and loves chasing a toy around! She’ll even go get one out of the basket for us to throw (I think she’s part dog!)
- She loves nothing more than sleeping!! Sometimes in a tiny ball, sometimes stretched out as long as possible on her back so you can tickle her tummy, or, when you’re working, she’ll happily lie right across the keyboard!!
- When her brother passed away earlier this year, we thought the house would seem quiet as he was a chatty cat, but she seems to have taken on his little spirit and chats non stop!
- If she’s not sleeping, she’s sat on the fence, watching the pigeons! Doesn’t chase them as most are bigger than her!!
Peggy is November Cat of the Month
Sadly Bristol Cat of the month Peggy passed away a few days before she was selected as our Cat of the Month for November. Her owner Gloria kindly agreed to allow us to award Peggy a posthumous honour ❤️
Her owner said:
'Although Peggy was born with deformed front legs, it didn't deter her from leading a full and happy life. She got on well with the other cats in the household, but she did have a habit of 'boxing the ears' of Hamish (her father). Fortunately Hamish never retaliated'
"RIP Peggy, you are certainly going to be missed".
Tuna Monger is October Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us:
'Tuna is our beloved older boy who loves Sun Puddles, Rug Time and Belly Rubs!'
Bagpuss is September Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us:
"Bagpuss is a dream of a cat! We are a multicat household (we breed Ragdolls) and Bagpuss gets on with everybody. He has been a birthing assistant, and takes over with the kittens when Mum gets fed up of them - he has even let the kittens pseudo suckle on him!! 😂 He is the sweetest boy, sashays around visitors legs and is our butler on their arrival! 😂 From around 5pm we get “the look” telling us that supper is well overdue!! 😂
He was also the first household pet outside of America to gain a Lifetime Achievement award and an International Award with TICA. The judges loved him! And at 12 years old tomorrow, is still as playful as ever!"
Pootle is August Cat of the Month
Her owner shared with us:
"Pootle and her sister Nootle were abandoned by their mother and rescued from wasteland behind a hardware shop. They were such tiny kittens that the vet thought they wouldn’t survive but my daughter fed them with kitten milk from a dropper and they’re still going strong eleven years later. Their real names are Pootle and Not-pootle because, as kittens, they looked so alike that I was the only person who could tell them apart so I was constantly saying ’that’s Pootle and that’s not Pootle’. As adults, they look really different - Pootle is a very small cat with cute little paws; Nootle is much larger with big fluffy paws. In contrast to her small size, Pootle is quite feisty, as trying to get her into a cat-carrier proves. She also has the loudest miaow of any cat I've ever heard and, early on sunny mornings, uses it to wake me up as she hurtles around demanding to be let out. She used to be rather a Houdini so we had to block up any escape holes to keep her safely in the garden. As an older cat, she’s content to sit snoozing in the sunshine or gazing into the small pond, possibly watching the frogs but she never attempts to catch them. Sometimes she contemplates stalking a wood pigeon but she’s not much bigger than they are so decides it’s not worth the effort."
Wills is July Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us
'Wills loves his home comforts so much he loves sitting/lying in the sunshine as it comes through the window.
If he wants quiet time he still gets himself in the drawer under our bed we think that’s his safe place.
He loves chicken and is always hungry he always has to go out the front door never the back door which makes us laugh as that’s the way we always leave the house.
Wills brings us many trophies home for example mice and birds even frogs which we know is his way of thanking us .
My daughter now has a dog who we look after when she is away and Wills has accepted Reggie into our home which just proves he’s a beautiful cat
He still fights playfully with our younger cat Charlie.
Wills will always come to us for cuddles and stroking as if we go to him he will just put a paw up to say go away 🙂 he’s just a cat that doesn’t like fuss but we have been truly blessed with such a character'
Jinx is June Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us:
"Jinx is a lovely gentle cat despite being a black panther. He lets one of my other cats who likes to mother him groom him remorselessly until he can at last break free ! He loves his food - especially cooked chicken and does a happy dance when any comes his way.
He likes nothing better than to snooze in the garden in the sun and can’t wait for summer."
Taffy is May Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us:
"Taffy was found at around 4 weeks old with his beautiful blue/grey long haired tabby sister, both cowering under a car in a remote carpark in South Wales (hence his name!). Our friends who work for a rescue centre and live locally searched for the mother and other siblings without luck so took them both home. We had lost a cat 18 months before, and as we had 2 dogs -one a puppy- we weren’t looking for another, but were easily persuaded when a suitable home could not be found. Taffy made the journey from Wales to Essex by train (accompanied of course) and soon let his new canine ‘brothers’ know who was the boss! He is very handsome and has a curious character: any fussing is strictly on his terms - hissing and biting is not uncommon. If we are on holiday, my elderly father steps in to feed him and insists on wearing elbow length gardening gloves for protection!
He is mostly an outdoor cat who rarely travels out of sight, enjoying birdwatching from on top of the birdbath or under the shrubbery. He is not fussy about food, often cheeky enough to start eating from the dogs bowls, leaving them helpless as they are both scared of him!"
Jibby is April Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us:
"Jibby adopted us back in 2011 and is the King of our house, ruling over Loki & Thor his step brothers.
He loves to come in late in the evening and chat very loudly to us and likes us to meiow back at him. The conversation can often go on for a minute or so and he often says he thinks we should be more generous with the cheddar cheese.
Luckily now he is getting older we don't have so many "gifts" brought in. He will still catch the odd mouse but always makes sure to eat it in the dining room under the table. Well where else would you eat it?"
Bracken is March Cat of the Month
"We adopted Bracken and her sister Bramble from the local rescue centre in 2011 when they were 3 months old. She is very affectionate and loves interacting with people. Any visitors to the house are always a cause for excitement for her, and she will absolutely come and say hi whenever she hears the doorbell.
She also loves barging in on video calls – the more in the way, the better! Having been brought into a household with 3 very young children, she is entirely unfazed by noise and general chaos and is really tolerant of being handled in all kinds of manners - we often joke that she is “bomb proof'”.
She has long since earned herself the nickname “Ninja”, due to her ability to sneak around silently and unnoticed. This skill is most often utilized to try and steal our food (obviously), with cheese, cake batter, and tomato soup being among her favourites (yes, tomato soup). Bracken is an adorable, playful, loving cat, and our family wouldn’t be the same without her."
Cully is Cat of the Month for Feb 2024
Here is what their owner had to say about them:
"Cully joined our family in September 2012, She had been taken to a vets with her siblings because the charity that was caring for them didn’t have the resources to bottle feed them.

Piglet is December Cat of the Month

Tinks is November Cat of the Month
The cosy looking Tinks is November Cat of the Month!
Here is what their owner had to say about them.
"We adopted Tinks and her sister Minnie from our local Blue Cross rescue centre Ten years ago. Tinks has always been very timid and is very nervous of new people and situations. She is comfortable with the family and enjoys some fuss. Especially if there is food involved!"
Xander is October Cat of the Month

In 2011 we fostered a mother and three four-week-old kittens for Celia Hammond Animal Trust. They found homes for the mother and two of the kittens, and we kept the other two, Xander and his sister Buffy. Over the years he’s come to use a number of other names such as Doid and Herr Deedle.
Without a doubt his favourite thing is singing in the night, which he saves until everyone has gone to bed and he has his particular toy mouse (which is just the size to carry around) to sing to.
Theoden is September Cat of the Month
Theoden (Theo for short) was found as a stray kitten when he was about 9 weeks old and he is now 11 years. He is named after the character Theoden King of Rohan from Lord of the Rings.
He is a very outdoorsy cat, wanting to spend all day outside in the summer, even when it’s raining. He even wants to eat al fresco. But he does love his cuddles and head bumps in the evening. Come the winter though he pops in at lunchtime for his afternoon nap upstairs on my bed, only surfacing at dusk to go back outside. When he was younger he was quite the explorer, sometimes venturing to the other end of the village and back.
Apart from eating and sleeping, Theo’s hobbies are sunbathing and birdwatching (from under the bird table). He is also a very proficient mouser, but fortunately doesn’t feel the need to bring me any “presents”. His fur is long and silky and he grows a mane for the winter, shedding it come spring. He is quite a little character and my neighbours all adore him. As, of course, do I. I can’t imagine life without him.
Pyx is August Cat of the Month
Wodehouse is July Cat of the Month
Harry is June Cat of the Month
Harry's owner told us:
Mungo is May Cat of the Month
Mungo's owner told us:
"Mungo is 10 and spends most of his time sleeping or hunting and he loves lounging about!. Mungo was born after a cat I was fostering gave birth, and it came as a bit of a surprise!. I fell in love with him and his sister and I decided that they would stay with me. He is a comical and very loving cat, which helps me to forgive him when he brings in 'little presents'".
Mist is April Cat of the Month
Her owner shared with us:
"Allow me to introduce Mist our 10 year old Bristol cat. Mist and her brother Winston were born to a stray cat we adopted, so she has lived with us all her life. We also have several Cavalier King Charles spaniels, who she treats with distain. Her favourite place is sleeping on the kitchen chair next to the radiator whenever she and her brother aren’t conducting a wall of death race along the back of the sofa. She has a lot to say for herself, especially when she thinks food is in the offing and often when it isn’t."
Polo is March Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us:
"Polo is a 10 year old Birman and we’ve had him since he was 3 months old. He has been part of the study from when we got him. He has a very calm and laid back attitude to life and spends a lot of the time dozing. He loves to watch the birds in the garden and tries to stalk them, but being a white cat his camouflage skills are lacking. His claim to fame is that he was a blood donor for our vets and was called on several occasions to give blood to help other cats when a blood transfusion was required. He is now too old to carry this on. Very proud of him."
Jaffa is February Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us:
"He is a sweet inoffensive cat, no trouble really, quite independent and he’s quite well known in our street as he frequently visits many of our neighbours. He has been know to have caught a squirrel in the past, but thankfully his hunting days are few and far between now. He is always keen for cuddles with the dog but the dog isn’t quite so keen!"
Evie is January Cat of the Month
Her owner shared with us:
"Evie is such a beautiful girl. She is ten years old now and is a big part of our family and is very much loved. She loves cuddles and will knead and dribble when being stroked especially under her chin which is her favourite place to be stroked. She loves tuna but her very favourite treats are Dreamies. She’s one fluffy little darling."
Cat of the month 2022
Linus is December Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us:
'Linus is an Abyssinian and the most handsome cat I have ever met. He will work (and pose) for treats. He enjoys chasing toys especially anything that glitters. He loves to play fetch, and at the end of the day he is often found snuggled up under a blanket. He loves his food and is always chancing his luck. You can’t leave anything unattended. He’s eaten the cheesy topping of a lasagne, the icing off a cake and the Christmas cheese board. But he’s generally an easy going and chilled out cat and we love him very much!'
Mia is November Cat of the Month
"Mia is a loving girl who enjoys a bedtime story and snuggles with her human little brother every night. She is the princess of the house. She loves tuna, dreamies and helping mummy work from home, often making appearances on zoom calls."
Charlie is October Cat of the Month
His owner Sue told us this about Charlie: "Charlie is a delightful cat, so gentle that he doesn’t hurt anything he catches but just brings them in for my husband to rescue! Sadly, we have recently lost our other 2 cats so, for the first time in his life, he is an only cat. He’s now very ‘chatty’ and makes his presence known! He seems to be missing feline company and we are looking into acquiring another cat."
Alfie is September Cat of the Month
His owner shared:
'Alfie is a real home body preferring to spend his time basking in the sun or sleeping on top of the sofa. Preferably close to his favourite brother Henry. He's very food motivated and firmly believes that any time after 4am is a great time for breakfast running around the house shouting for attention until he is served before going to bed for a rest.'
Shadow is August Cat of the Month
Her owner shared with us:
With the help of Bristol cats, Shadow has achieved more in a decade, with a far more impressive CV than either of her owners; having contributed to various scientific experiments and papers, reading campaigns, and is now Cat of the Month!
At the age of nine, she suddenly decided that it was time for a change and that she was going to become a hunter. She brought us back a mouse and a frozen hamburger bun (!??). Since then she seems to have found that her talent lies in worms and moths.
Shadow comes across as a perfect cat, until you get to know her and she shows off her quirky side. Her love is earned, at which point cannot be taken back. Even at 4 in the morning! She’s funny, loud and sassy, does everything on her own terms, but is also an incredibly sweet, soft and very cute love-bug.
- Her favourite toys are those fluffy worm wiggles (of course) and cardboard scratching boards.
- Her favourite song is I’m a Believer by The Monkees.
- She knows various tricks and can howl on cue.
Cornelius, or Corney as he is known by his family is July Cat of the Month
Corney found his family when Cats Protection phoned to ask if they would consider rescuing a kitten after they had recently adopted an adult male cat. Corney was the only black kitten amongst a litter of tabbies who were all going to be adopted out shortly, leaving him behind. When the family went to meet him, he stood out as the only kitten in the litter not to race up to them; but instead stayed curled up at the back of the pen. It’s not difficult to see why they had to say yes to the adoption!
His owner tells us that Corney is an avid hunter, but very particular about his efforts. He strives to keep the local mouse population down but generally leaves the birds alone; clearly acknowledging the wellbeing benefits of birdwatching for his community.
Corney is now 11 years old and an only cat. He adores affection from familiar people and snoozing on his owner’s lap. In fact, he snores to make sure everyone knows what a good time he’s having.
Although, despite all of the snoozing, he is very much a morning cat and has decided that the perfect time for his owners to serve up breakfast is 4am!
Juno is June Cat of the Month
Her owner shared: "Juno is 9 this June, a beautiful cat whose good looks mask her tortie moods. Her mum was a neighbourhood ‘outdoor’ cat who chose to give birth by my side on the sofa, an unforgettable night. From the moment she was born I knew Juno was mine, a most determined kitten. She has grown up to be a feisty cat who has taken all of her nine years to enjoy and show affection. As long as she feels in control and unrestrained she adores being brushed and fussed, she loves to ride on my lap (I’m wheelchair user) and cries to hitch a lift. Mice, frogs and occasionally birds are brought in to the house and released, I’m convinced she gets pleasure watching me catch and release her presents in the middle of the night! Despite all of her peculiarities and hissy fits she is still number 1 in this house."
Finley is May Cat of the Month
Finley shared with us: "Hi, I'm Finley, aka finley-bow-binley, Finbow or finnybum. I moved in with my humans at 6wks old with my brother Fyfe. I'm good at getting attention from my humans, one of my favourite tricks is dramatically collapsing on the floor on front of their feet and rolling about until I get a tummy rub. Another is hiding a cuddly fox about the house and meowing loudly until my humans come and look at it, this is especially effective at 2am. Recently a smaller, noisy human has moved in with us, I'm not too sure about him but sometimes he drops cheese on the floor which I eat so I guess he can stay for now. I enjoy drinking bath water and pond water (the greener the better), sleeping on my mums head at night, climbing under the duvet and being a Bristol Study cat."
Lola is April Cat of the Month
Her owner shared with us: "Lola, or Princess Expensive as I like to call her! Lola is now 9 and a half. I got her shortly after I bought my first home. I was never allowed a cat growing up as my dad was allergic, so when I got my own place, cats were one of the first things on my list! The reason for the nickname is partly she has expensive tastes in food, but also, when she was 10 months old, she got very ill and nearly died due to an infection. She had to spend a week in the vets, having all sorts of tests. Thankfully I had pet insurance which covered everything, but I remember seeing the final bill and nearly fainting! Lola likes to spend her time lying in or on various beds, mostly ones that aren’t specifically for cats! She brought me all sorts of treats from the garden when she was younger, including a slow worm once! which was thankfully unharmed and released back outside. She loves sitting in a window “chattering” to the birds or sunbathing wherever she can find a warm spot. She’s managed to survive 3 house moves, and me having a baby, she’s still not quite forgiven me for the tiny invader who has taken her mums time and attention, but I’d like to hope she’s slowly getting there!"
Tabitha is March Cat of the Month
Tabitha shared with us: "Hello, my name is Tabitha, as you can see, I am a moggy. I was abandoned at six weeks old in a skip, someone found me and took me to the Cats Protection where they named me "Skippy". I met my human mother when she was looking for a kitten after her's had sadly passed away. There were a brother and sister Siamese cats in my new home, I made friends with Hattie, the sister. We played in the garden together, then one day she passed away, and I was sad. We have another cat at home too, she is not my friend. I like finding frogs, sometimes they scream at me, quite a surprise! I tend to be a home bird and like the simple things in life - good food, cuddles and a roof over my head. I sleep in one of my human family's bedrooms and like to stare at him when he's asleep and crawl under the duvet. I would say I am a survivor."
MJ is February Cat of the Month
His owner shared: "MJ was born with 2 siblings 9 years ago in a shed. They were found by my young daughter when she heard mewing in her garden and, with the help of the Cat Protection League, all four of them were brought into their house. We took MJ, whose name stands for Mummy Junior, thinking we had a female. We only found out that ‘she' was a 'he’ when we took her to be spayed. By then he already answered to his name so MJ stuck! He was an active, rather nervous kitten who enjoyed climbing our curtains. Now, at 9 years old, he still looks wistfully at the curtains but pole dances round his scratching post instead. He is a very good communicator, making it very clear when he wants food, water or attention (most of the time) with a short meow. He will also stare at my hand until it strokes him. He will supervise us from the kitchen table, follow us around the house and lie on my chest when I’m in bed until he gets bored and curls up in a ball at, or on, my feet. He goes out whenever he wants, which is usually when the open dishwasher blocks his flap. When outside, he likes to survey the scene sitting on our patio table or railing. We occasionally find a 'present’ of a headless creature on the stair, but fortunately that is getting less frequent. All in all MJ is a lovely house cat. He spends most of his time sleeping under his blanket or in my husband’s favourite place on the sofa. He comes when called and (usually) does what he’s told. We wouldn’t be without him!"
Kenickie is January Cat of the Month

Cat of the Month 2021
Princess is December Cat of the Month
Her owner shared: "Princess joined the Bristol cat study as a kitten in 2009. Now, she’s still looking good, feeling great and in charge of the house as you would expect. She spends time on the important garden patrol, dealing with all comers - cats, birds and has a special distain for the wind, rain and leaves. The rest of her time she squanders lounging on any bed or sofa (no cat beds needed). With a very special love of Dreamies, unknowingly, she shares her food with her frenemie, Mitzi (a fellow oldie, Lhasa Apso). No toys on her Santa list, a string or ribbon are all she needs. Such a calm and beautiful pet - loved (and respected) by us all."
Dibs is November Cat of the Month
His owner shared: "Dibs is a lovely, calm little man who loves being held and is a real lap kneader! Sometimes he forgets he has claws! He's an only cat now having lost his brother and litter mate suddenly in May just after their 11th birthday. He's adjusting well and loves nothing more than lounging in the sun under his favourite laurel bush. He's a friendly boy and very gentle. He has many local cat friends and doesn't mind when they nip into the kitchen and steal his biscuits! He's a much loved member of a small family which is enhanced with him in it!"
Orion is October Cat of the Month
His owner Vicky tells us: "Orion was adopted from Cats Protection (with his sister Maia) in mid-2011. Orion, his Mum and his four brothers and sisters were found in a warehouse in Bracknell at an estimated 6-7 weeks old. As you can see in the photos, Orion is a big, fluffy boy which is lovely, but it would be even better if he actually groomed himself occasionally - we do occasionally have to shave him! Orion is a real lap cat and will often complain if he can't immediately sit on me when he decides that he wants to. In the summer, Orion has a real fondness for sitting in a herb planter, pretty much on the thyme. He is the opitomy of a scaredy cat and doesn't like anything or anyone that he doesn't recognise! When he was a lot younger he went to stay with my parents and got so scared by their doorbell ringing that he ran up their chimney! It took a whole day and a tin of tuna to get him down, and when he did come down he was grey! Fortunately he just hides behind the sofa when the doorbell rings at home. He might be a bit weird, but he's our lovely ginger fluffy lump!"
Alfie is September Cat of the Month
His owner shared with us: "Early one morning, eleven years ago, newborn Alfie was found all alone and crying on a patio. The owner went to work, hoping that his mother would come back for him, but when she arrived home that evening, he was still there - and still crying. She took him inside, tried unsuccessfully to feed him with cat milk, and the next morning handed him into the vet. From there he went to a rescue charity, and three weeks later came to me, as I was fostering for the charity at the time. I had never hand-reared a kitten before and was initially terrified! However, all went well and Alfie blossomed from a creature resembling a hamster to the big, healthy, happy cat he is today. When I decided to keep him, my vet warned me that hand-reared kittens could become difficult cats, and Alfie certainly has the classic personality traits associated with hand-rearing: he's boisterous, demanding and lacking in self-control when frustrated. However, he's very loving and good-natured, gets on well with other cats, and keeps everyone amused with his clownlike antics!"

Bailey is August Cat of the Month
His owner Elizabeth tells us: "Bailey has just turned eight. I got him and two other cats from the CPL when he was just a couple of months old. The three of them were thick as thieves until they were about four and then they went their separate ways. Bailey still head bumps the other two but sadly for him, they don’t respond favourably! Luckily he’s developed a bromance with the cat next door and the two of them spend most days hanging out on the greenhouse roof. He’s a gentle giant, laid-back and happy and I’m very thankful to have him in my life."
Oscar is July Cat of the Month
His owner Smita shared: "We got Oscar from Cats Protection, at 9 weeks old, alongside his littermate Wilbur, who we sadly lost aged 7. Oscar is now 10 years old and one of the most affectionate cats I've ever met. Wherever we are, he's there, sitting with us. He has a bird like trill of a meow when he wants food, and the loudest tractor engine purr. He always wants to be centre of attention, and if I'm reading he'll either nudge the book away or sit straight on the book, and then turn as if to say 'look at me!'. His favourite toys are pipe cleaners and we wake up to a few being left outside our bedroom doors. It's as if he's telling us he's kept us safe from them! Whenever I've been sad or crying, he'll run from wherever he is and sit with me. He started that nurturing side when he was just 5 months old, where he licked my tears away and rested his paw on my hand. He was the reason for my daughters first word, because she pointed at him beneath her cot, and said 'Cat!'. Although Oscar is a moggie, we've always stated his pedigree show cat name would be 'Eloquence FruFru'. He is an older grumpy uncle to our young cat Hugo, although he's definitely still Top Cat in this house. He's the best Floofle, a huge bundle of fluffy joy, and we love him to bits. He's our Star Cat every month!"
Monty-Tom is June Cat of the Month
His owner Beverly shares: "Monty-Tom has the loudest purr and is the biggest cat I've ever seen, weighing twice the average domestic cat but he's not fat. I call him my gentle giant although he doesn't know his own strength. Even though he's nine years old, he loves to play chase with his younger brother Eric and they both go for walks together over the fields and they sometimes come with me too. It's a source of amusement among my neighbours! He's playful, immense fun and loves a cuddle, he spends hours on my lap. He's very engaged and eager to learn new things, he comes running when I call him and seems to understand what I'm saying. He's obsessed with kittens. He understands a lot of words and is a great communicator, he's always chatting to me - he's fantastic company. Monty-Tom is a pacifist, if his brother or full sibling Maggie is fronted out by another cat, he will sit between them and the other cat to de-escalate the situation. If one of them is having a fight, he'll run to their aid. He used to feed our dog by locating some food or a packet of treats and pushed it off the kitchen worktop for her. My husband came home with a box of fresh, hot pizza and left it on the kitchen counter while he went for a shower. They broke into it and ate the lot between them. He also used to open the stairgate for her. He has to know everything that is going on and is the neighbourhood curtain-twitcher. I couldn't be prouder or love him anymore if I tried!"
Fable is May Cat of the Month
Her owner Beckie says: "Fable is a 10-year-old house cat who I adopted when she was approximately 12 weeks old. Fable is a bit of a diva and an absolute flirt with anyone who visits the home, she lives with two other slightly younger Bristol cats who she tolerates (but has also been caught cuddled up with on more than one occasion!). Fable loves eating grass, which I grow indoors for her, paper bags, cardboard boxes and belly rubs. Fable is more than happy to vocalise her disgust if she is stopped from doing anything she wants to do (jumping on kitchen worktops) and is very good at what we call 'paw tennis' using screwed up kitchen foil (I think she would make an excellent goalie). Fable loves a lap, but it's a little more about stealing your warmth than pure affection, although the purrs and paw padding will leave you thinking otherwise. I adore Fable and all her quirks, she is full of character and definitely knows her own mind - if I'm honest I see a little of myself in her…"
Jasper is April Cat of the Month
His owner Emma told us: "Jasper is 10 years old and we’ve had him since he was a kitten. He spends most of his time outdoors, and enjoys hunting, although as he’s got older he is sleeping more inside on his favourite cushioned bench, rather than under bushes. He loves us in his own way and enjoys a tickle on his head or jowls, but woe betide if you try to stroke his back! He tolerates our other cat who is younger, smaller, and female, but probably thinks of her as an annoying younger sister, who needs to be put in her place when she gets too much. An open cupboard is an invitation for investigation, a cat flap an invitation to ignore, and prefers to sit at a closed door and wait for it to be opened by his human servants."
Candy is March Cat of the Month
Her owner Jennifer told us: "Named temporarily as a joke after my two friends Courtney & Andy; Candy is a 10-year-old rag doll cross. We’ve always assumed she was crossed with a squirrel as she spends most of her time climbing trees and running around the garden. Bringing in all sorts of delights on her tail like snails, leaves and mud. She enjoys a box, tunnel, shed, car, van and was also found in our neighbours' bedroom last summer. However, she can’t open a door. Or won’t - she’ll wait for someone to open the door wide enough. A princess after my own heart."
Snap is February Cat of the Month
His owner Laura says: "Introducing Snap, he is eight years old and has been with us since he was a kitten. His mum used to live a few houses away and up until the family moved last year he would still visit with her quite frequently. He has a fairly easy life, spending at least half his day out and about. We live outside of Bristol so he often hunts in the fields around our house. On the whole he and the neighbour's cats have not really changed in their relationships over the years, on one side he is friends with Fluffy and he and Snap would often ‘hang out’ together. On the other side is his arch enemy, on the whole they have adopted an avoidance strategy to cope with each other. This doesn’t always work and Snap came off the worst just before Christmas and needed a vet visit - his first since he was a kitten. Luckily he is in fine health now and back to sitting on the neighbour's fence or snoozing which is his favourite pastime."
Cookie is January Cat of the Month
Her owner Becky told us: "We are delighted that Cookie is January cat of the month. We have had Cookie since 9 weeks old. Cookie is now 10 years old but still can be very kitten like and playful at times. She enjoys going outside to potter about and see if there maybe anything to prowl and hunt. Also is very protective of her surroundings outside the house/garden not liking any other cat to enter!! Cookie during the pandemic is very happy to have both my husband and myself working from home, as she gets more attention and fed more!!! Our daughter enjoys feeding her treats and she has a very clever trick in catching “Dreamies” in her paws. She can be found in the evenings curling up or stretched out on me."
Cat of the Month 2020
Pebbles is December Cat of the Month
Her owner Lucy tells us: "Pebbles is a much-loved family cat. She is naturally timid but once she gets to know you she is very affectionate. She likes to sit on our laps and also climb on us and sleep on our shoulders at night or curl up behind my knees on the bed. She loves chasing flies, squirrels, and hunting mice. She brings us surprise gifts of mice and hides them around the house for us to find. Sometimes they are still alive!"
Lola is November Cat of the Month
Alfie is October Cat of the Month
His owner Elizabeth tells us: "We’re so pleased Alfie is cat of the month! Alfie is now 10 years old although he’s still a kitten at heart! He loves to play, potter round the garden, snooze in any sunny spots he can find and is super chatty! He loves to spend time with us, is so affectionate and will follow us round for a fuss. Alfie also shares his home with Parsley the dalmatian who he face rubs and loves nothing more than having his ears licked by! We sadly lost his beautiful sister a few years ago but are so thankful to have this amazing boy in our lives! He really is a superstar and we can’t imagine life without him".



She’s 7, very lithe and active, and so petite and delicate that you hardly feel her land when she jumps on you.
She’s mainly an outdoor cat and despite her size, good at defending her territory.
Upsides of an outdoor cat: she has a life of her own as well as with us, and the cheery chirrup and tail up in greeting we get when she comes in.
The downside: “presents” - we’ll never forget the mouse brought onto our bed one Christmas morning'

Her owner Jess tells us:
“Betty was definitely born with the hunting instinct and despite a minor heart murmur, continues to catch mice, bats and frogs! She will only give you affection on her terms and quite often will sit just close enough so she can place a paw on you. She does enjoy giving your nose a lick though. She's a fussy eater, will only eat cat food in gravy so she can lick it all off and will even turn her nose up at fresh fish. Obviously she goes mad for all cat treats though, even ripping open her Christmas present last year when she could smell catnip through the paper.
She rolls around in the kitchen sink like a lunatic after it's been bleached!
She was my saviour when I got her. A crazy, independent cat that we'd be lost without.”
His owners adopted him when he was just a few weeks old and fitted easily into an adult hand!. His owner Mike told us:
“Scampi had had a difficult start to life as he had been found feral and had had to be fostered in order to get him used to human interaction. He had a big bald patch on his side where he had been operated on to be spayed before they realised that ‘Tia’ (as he had been known) was actually a male! However,despite all this he is now the tamest and most loving cat you could ever wish for. He doesn’t meow but instead squeaks, he is absolutely terrified of being outdoors on his own (so it’s a good job he was destined to be a house cat!), and he constantly craves human affection (including lengthy belly-tickling). In fact, the only human that he has not yet made friends with is our three month old daughter who he is very wary of, but we are sure they will be buddies for life very soon!

Poppy is our March 'Cat of the Month'! Poppy was selected at random from all of the Bristol Cats to feature as Cat of the Month, and to receive a new toy.
Poppy is an eight year old rescue cat & a housecat.
Her owner tells us “She enjoys playing with her catnip mice & football & is a very sociable cat. When she is not hiding under her blanket she enjoys watching the birds outside, watching television especially if there are squirrels on the television & exploring the house. We enjoy having Poppy as a pet & were lucky to be able to give her a home when she was a kitten”.
Congratulations Poppy.