News - Poultry
Innovate UK awards for studies into sustainable livestock production and improving chicken welfare17 August 2018Bristol Vet School has been awarded two Innovate UK grants totalling nearly £160,000 for studies that aim to further our progress towards sustainable livestock production and improve broiler chicken welfare. The projects will use the new £1 million CIEL poultry house, funded by the CIEL.
China’s “livestock revolution” demands “new transition”24 July 2018Demand for animal protein and increasing wealth fuelled a tripling in the domestic production of livestock in China between 1980 and 2010, and the rise, despite some improvements in efficiencies at the farm level, had significant impacts on environmental sustainability, nationally and globally.
Animal welfare initiatives improves feather cover of cage-free laying hens16 May 2016Recognised welfare outcome assessments within farm assurance schemes have shown a reduction in feather loss and improvement in the welfare of UK cage-free laying hens, according to the findings of a study from the AssureWel project by the University of Bristol, RSPCA and the Soil Association.
From chicken to egg – Hennovation project launched17 June 2015Due to increasingly stricter legislation in animal welfare and sustainability of production, commercial animal husbandry has gone through tremendous changes in recent years. A new European project, led by the University of Bristol’s School of Veterinary Sciences, aims through innovation networks to implement new practices in animal welfare and production in the laying hen industry.
What are the risks when hens lay their eggs on the floor?29 July 2013A new study by the University's School of Veterinary Sciences aims to identify the most important risk factors for floor laying in hens and explore whether any of the methods that are currently employed by farmers to deal with the problem actually work.
New website will help farmers ensure hens maintain good feather cover1 July 2013A new website, developed by scientists at the University of Bristol’s School of Veterinary Sciences, has been launched to help make sure laying hens are well-feathered throughout their lives.
Pilot awards to amplify impact21 May 2013Eleven research teams in eight of the University's Schools have received grants totalling £170,000 to accelerate the impact of their research. These awards were made through pilot funding schemes from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).
New study hopes to reduce bone fracture rates in laying hens12 March 2013A new study led by the University's School of Veterinary Sciences hopes to reduce the fracture rates in laying hens thanks to a grant of £532,000 funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and supported by industrial partner, Noble Foods.
Study highlights link between poor welfare and meat quality11 February 2013A recent scientific study by the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences has shown that pre-stun shocks in commercial broiler processing significantly affect carcase and meat quality as well as bird welfare.Omega-3 can help laying hens avoid bone damage28 January 2013Researchers from the University's School of Veterinary Sciences have found that omega-3 could help laying hens avoid bone damage, which affects millions of hens each year, and the research may also help human patients suffering from osteoporosis.
How any hen can have beautiful plumage all year round16 October 2012Scientists at the University of Bristol together with the RSPCA and Soil Association have put together a new guide to help make sure laying hens are well-feathered throughout their lives.
UFAW Medals awarded to outstanding animal welfare scientists26 June 2012Christine Nicol, Professor of Animal Welfare in the School of Veterinary Sciences, is one of the 2012 winners of the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) Medal for Outstanding Contributions to Animal Welfare Science.
Verandas and eggshell examination could improve hen welfare18 January 2012New research by academics at the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences to help farmers improve the health of free-range hens has found verandas for the birds and the early scrutiny of eggshells could improve their welfare.
Research uncovers what increases chicken wellbeing3 October 2011Researchers from the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences have concluded that the wellbeing of barn chickens is increased if they have activity objects, perches and other stimulationProject to tackle most common food poisoning bacteria12 September 2011Twelve projects, bringing together researchers from across disciplines, will study Campylobacter in the food chain, from field to plate. One of the projects, led by the University’s School of Veterinary Sciences, will look at the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the diet of chickens.
Omega acids could reduce bone breakage in laying hens5 April 2011Researchers from the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences have found that adding the right combination of fatty acids to the diets of laying hens can significantly reduce bone breakage during lay.
The foundations of empathy are found in the chicken9 March 2011A study by academics at the University of Bristol’s Animal Welfare and Behaviour research group in the School of Veterinary Sciences has gained new insight into the minds of domestic hens, discovering, for the first time, that domestic hens show a clear physiological and behavioural response when their chicks are mildly distressed.
The science of farm animals18 September 2009Researchers in the Department of Clinical Veterinary Science’s Animal Welfare and Behaviour Group are developing techniques to assess an animal’s emotional stateHappier, healthier, more productive hens on omega-3?13 July 2009Most of us are aware of the potential health benefits of omega-3 found in fish oil and flax seed. Now researchers are looking at how omega-3 may help laying hens avoid bone damage.
Chilled-out animals: a lower risk for food poisoning7 July 2009Food poisoning bacteria become more invasive in animals that are stressed, according to new research from the University of Bristol in collaboration with the UK poultry industry. The results will be presented at the Society for Applied Microbiology summer conference in Manchester tomorrow [8 July].
Hen pecking - a serious animal welfare concern23 June 2008Laying hens often severely peck other hens' feathers, skin, or vents. This not only causes pain but can also lead to cannibalism and death. Harmful pecking is a serious animal welfare concern and can cause great economic losses for the farmer and the egg-production industry as a whole.
Welfare concerns for broiler chickens6 February 2008The huge increase in growth rates of broiler chickens means more than a quarter of these intensively-reared birds have difficulty walking, according to a comprehensive survey carried out by the University of Bristol.
Down on the farm27 November 2002Animal welfare can be improved if we better understand the needs of domestic animals. By studying their behaviour and obtaining information from the animals' point of view.
Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?12 September 2002