Cardiovascular Surgery

Prof Gianni Angelini

The overall goal of Prof Angelini's research is to optimise the benefits of cardiac surgery on the heart and patient, while reducing the traumatic effects. 

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Prof Raimondo Ascione

Prof Ascione is the Chair of Cardiac Surgery at the Universityof Bristol and an active senior Consultant Adult Cardiac Surgeon at the Bristol Heart Institute, University Hospital Bristol-Weston NHS Foundation Trust.

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Dr Giovanni Biglino and Professor Massimo Caputo

Medical imaging and advance three-dimensional (3D) technologies (or 3D+) offer unparalleled opportunities for non-invasive assessment of both anatomy and function in congenital heart disease.

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Prof Massimo Caputo

Congenital heart surgery is one of the most complex and scrutinised surgical specialties in the world which makes the development of research programmes extremely challenging. Prof Caputo’s team in Bristol has been a unique example of how to build a successful clinical translational research portfolio in congenital heart surgery.

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Prof Sarah George

Prof Sarah George’s research group studies cardiovascular signalling pathways in early and vein graft failure.

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Dr Ben Gibbison

The overall aim of Dr Gibbison’s work is to improve the care and outcomes of patients undergoing major (including cardiac) surgery and people who are critically ill.

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