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Publications and performance gallery
A round-up of work from our academics. Latest publication:
- Facial Hair and the Performance of Early Modern Masculinity 11 November 2019
- London's West End Actresses and the Origins of Celebrity Charity, 1880-1920 25 April 2016
- Watching Weimar Dance 1 September 2014
About us
Founded in 1947, the Department of Theatre combines research and practice to foster a lively academic community, within a city that's rich in contemporary arts and culture.
Why study at Bristol?
What is it like to study Theatre at Bristol?
Some of our recent student discuss their experiences of studying here.
TaBS - Singing In-Between: Deniz Küstü (2016) and Bin Boğalar Efsanesi (2023) as Intercultural Music Theatre
2 April 2025, 4.00 PM
Wonder! A Maker-Space Day
10 April 2025, 10.00 AM
You can also view details of our regular research seminar series.
The University of Bristol is extremely forward thinking in fostering sustainable partnerships with arts practitioners and organisations.
How do we open doors into the professional world for our graduates?