Information for reviewees

A Development Review is an opportunity to have a more structured, developmental conversation where you can discuss the previous 12 months, look forward to the year ahead, and explore your individual development with your reviewer.

Preparing for and recording your meeting

It is the joint responsibility of the reviewee and their reviewer to ensure that the meeting takes place in a timely, meaningful and constructive way. A review meeting should be expected to take about 90 minutes. 

Take the time to prepare well for your review meeting. This is your opportunity to reflect upon and discuss your work, achievements, ongoing development of your skills and career, and anything else you feel is relevant with your reviewer. If you have more than one role at the university you may wish to hold a review for each role.

1. To prepare for your review meeting, open your new Development Review form in Develop. 

2. In task 1, 'Looking back', record your reflections over the period since your last review. When reflecting on the past year, think about your successes and challenges and what you learnt from them. Note any examples you have. You can add relevant attachments if you wish. Consider the following where they are relevant to your role:

  • Progress against your personal and professional objectives from last year’s review
  • Discussions you have previously had in 1:1 meetings with your line manager
  • Feedback from other people such as colleagues, students, internal / external clients
  • Peer observation of your teaching
  • Reports on research, projects and other activities

Note: If this is your first review, look back over your job description and general roles and responsibilities

3. In task 2, 'Looking ahead', consider what you are setting out to achieve in the coming months and draft your objectives or areas of focus. When setting out what you want to achieve for the coming year, consider:

  • What you intend to achieve, professionally and personally, including future career aspirations
  • How you might grow or stretch your role or your skills by taking on new projects or more strategic work
  • What obstacles you might face in working towards these goals and what support you might need from your manager or team
  • What training or development you might need now or longer term

Note: You may wish/need to update this section after your review meeting to add any additional objectives or details agreed with your reviewer. 

4. Task 3 is where your reviewer will record a summary of your conversation after the meeting takes place.

5. In task 4, you can record your own summary of the conversation and any final reflections you have. 

6. Once you and your reviewer are in agreement that the form is accurate and complete, you may finalise the form. Please note that this action cannot be undone without contacting a system administrator and so please make sure you are both happy with the form's contents.

At the review meeting:

The Development Review conversation should be an open, two-way discussion with your reviewer. The conversation may be guided by your Review form but is not limited to it. As well as discussing your work and career goals, the meeting should also be an opportunity for you and your reviewer to talk openly about your health and wellbeing at work. 

1. Looking back 
As well as discussing your ‘Taking stock’ self assessment, the reviewer may provide additional feedback. This may include their observations/reflections on how far you have contributed towards the achievement of the objectives/aims set the previous year, and both parties will reflect on the reasons for success and any shortfalls. The conversation should take an “evidence-based” approach to discussions.

2. Looking ahead

A key output from the review meeting will be clear and attainable objectives/aims/goals for you and these may include some that offer a degree of ‘stretch’ for you. These should link to school/divisional/faculty/ organisational goals. 

The discussion may also cover matters such career aspirations, and training and development needs. In some circumstances it may be relevant to identify with your reviewer how to prioritise your development needs and work out a plan for how they can be met. Be open to a range of options for development, e.g. self-directed learning, online resources, shadowing, coaching from colleagues, workshops, webinars.

3. Summarising outcomes and actions
Your achievements, training and development needs and objectives/aims need to be agreed at the review meeting, then recorded by both the reviewee and reviewer in the relevant sectionsof the form as a summary of the conversation. This record is used as a starting point for the preparation stage of your next review in a year's time.

Copy of Development Review form

If you require an offline copy of the Development Review form, download Development Review form (Office document, 35kB)

Useful contacts

Contact your departmental HR team for general queries or concerns.

For queries about the Development Review process, contact 


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