Acknowledging your funders, co-authors, and other sources of support

Any support you’ve received in writing your paper must be acknowledged; this includes financial or in-kind support from funding bodies, sponsors, industrial partners, labs and other collaborators. 

Funder and facility acknowledgements

Funder acknowledgements generally follow a standard format:

"This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]; the Natural Environment Research Council [grant number zzzz]; and the Economic and Social Research Council [grant number aaaa]."

Example taken from

Some research facilities may require you to acknowledge different grant numbers depending on the piece of equipment you’ve used - check with the facility to make sure you’re following their preferred format.

Co-author and collaborator acknowledgements

Researchers make a range of contributions to publications and a standard author credit may not convey the nuance, particularly where the list of collaborators is very long. CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is a simple way to represent different roles in a publication and ensure that all contributors are properly credited. It enables visibility and recognition of the different contributions of researchers, particularly in multi-authored works, across all aspects of the research being reported, including areas such as data curation, statistical analysis, software development, visualisation, and so on.

Some journals have already incorporated this taxonomy into the manuscript submission process - if yours hasn’t, you can add a new section ‘Author contributions’ to your paper where you allocate roles to your contributors.

Author affiliations

Where possible, you should use a standard format for author affiliations to ensure that your publications can be correctly attributed to your author profile. Unless your journal has a required format for this, your author affiliation should take the form School, University, Address, Country. Each element should be separated by a comma:

A. Researcher, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock's Close, Bristol BS8 1TS, United Kingdom

If you have more than one affiliation separate these with semicolons (;) unless your journal has a required format for displaying multiple affiliations.

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