Conference Programme

Innovative Language Teaching and Learning at University:

Enhancing the Learning Experience of Modern Languages through Feedback

 Friday 25 May 2012

 Conference Programme

Audio recordings (mp3 format) and presentations (Powerpoint and PDF format) are now available

9.30-10.15  Registration and coffee

Welcome: Prof. Mike Basker, Head of the School of Modern Languages. Listen to audio recording


Keynote: Prof. Dai Hounsell, Professor of Higher Education / Vice-Principal for Academic Enhancement at the University of Edinburgh.  Listen to audio recording | download presentation

11.30-11.45  Coffee break

Paper 1: From Reflexivity to Learner Action Plans: Strategies for Students to Get More out of Feedback

Dr Sandra Y. López-Rocha, University of Bristol. Listen to audio recording | download presentation


Paper 2: Peer-to-peer feedback: a proposal for student engagement with the feedback process

Dr Elena Polisca, University of Manchester. Listen to audio recording | download presentation


Paper 3: Feedback in action: who does what?

Enza Siciliano Verruccio, University of Reading. Listen to audio recording

 13.15-14.15  Lunch and Visit of the Multi-Media Centre (for those interested)

Paper 4: A contrastive genre-based approach to written feedback on writing exercises in English as a second language

Prof. Claudia Böttger/Nicole Diedrichsen, Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg, University of Applied Sciences.  Listen to audio recording | download presentation


Paper 5: Teaching Written French: reflections on course design and feedback

Dr Isabelle Baron, University of Lancaster. Listen to audio recording | download presentation


Paper 6: Online feedback on student compositions: Overcoming the limitations of traditional feedback

Dr Michael Märlein, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Listen to audio recording | download presentation

15.45-16.00  Coffee break
 16.00-17.00  Paper 7: eFeedback: Supporting the Academic and Personal Development of Modern Languages Students on their Year Abroad via the ePortfolio

 Dr Franck Michel, Newcastle University. Listen to audio recording | download presentation


Paper 8: Monitored Independent Learning in French at the University of Manchester – one year on…

 Dr Catherine Franc / Annie Morton, University of Manchester. Listen to audio recording | download presentation

17.00  End of conference
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