Research Insurance

It is a requirement of any organisation undertaking research with human participants that they hold appropriate insurance to cover the eventuality of an individual coming to harm, as a result of the research, and making a successful legal case for damages. The insurance protects participants, by ensuring that any damages awarded can be paid, as well as financially protecting the University.

The nature of the insurance involved and the extent to which researchers need to engage with the process will depend upon the nature of your research. Please read all options below and then follow the appropriate link. If you have any questions, please contact 


1. Health and Social Care Research

If your research involves human participants and/or human tissue (relevant material, as defined by the Human Tissue Act) and you have been advised that your research will require approval from the Health Research Authority and/or and NHS Research Ethics Committee, please see our Health and Social Care Research Insurance page.



2. Drug and Medical Device Research

If your study meets criterion 1 above and it has been confirmed by Research Governance that your study is a Clinical Trial of an Investigational Medicinal Product or a Clinical Investigation of a Medical Device, please follow our CTIMP and CIMD Research Insurance page.



3. Other Human-Participant Research

If your research involves human participants and/or identifiable participant data but does not meet criteria 1 or 2, above, please see our Human Participant Research Insurance page.