Informing development of an organisational intervention to strengthen primary care readiness to provide trauma-informed care: a multimethod qualitative study

We want to explore the gaps, enablers and obstacles to implementing trauma-informed care in UK general practice. 


Psychological trauma occurs as a result of childhood maltreatment, domestic abuse, community violence, and social injustice. We know that many patients and healthcare professionals have experienced multiple traumas. If universal prevalence and impacts of trauma are not addressed, services can re-traumatise both patients and staff.

Trauma-informed care is a new approach to service improvement that aims to prevent re-traumatisation and improve experiences and outcomes for all patients and staff.

Many UK guidelines recommend trauma-informed healthcare, however the evidence for its feasibility and effectiveness is limited. 

This study follows on from the TAP CARE Study, which included three systematic reviews and a review of UK policy and professional perspectives on trauma-informed approaches in primary and community health care. 

The research

We are looking for general practices to take part in a qualitative study.

We need four practices from the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire area that are research active, serve areas of high deprivation, and are interested in improving their service provision in a trauma-informed way.

Study activities include one-off interviews with five healthcare professionals and five patients and a facility observation in each practice.

A university researcher will arrange an interview about individuals' experiences of service provision at a time, and in a place and format, that is convenient for each participant.

The study will run from December 2022 to March 2024.

Study team, funder and contact details

Principal investigator: Dr Natalia Lewis

Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research

For further information, contact: trauma-informed-study@bristol.ac.uk, Tel: (+44) 0117 455 1988

Woman seated being interviewed by female researcher with notebook.
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