GP Journal Club: Sunday 9 September 2018, 19:30 (BST)

Resilience in Primary Care

Co-chair: Dr Shibley Rahman (@dr_shibley)

A true polymath, Dr Rahman was awarded an academic Queen's Scholarship from Westminster School in 1987 and subsequently a Scholarship from Cambridge University. He is a trained clinician and Master of Law. He is passionate about the NHS and social care, with a special interest in wellbeing in dementia.  


Please read these articles before the tweet chat:

Bowers C, Kreutzer C, Cannon-Bowers J, Lamb J. Team Resilience as a Second-Order Emergent State: A Theoretical Model and Research Directions. Frontiers in psychology. 2017 Aug 17;8:1360

Thomas S, Jenkins R, Burch T, Calamos Nasir L, Fisher B, Giotaki G, Gnani S, Hertel L, Marks M, Mathers N, Millington-Sanders C. Promoting mental health and preventing mental illness in general practice. London journal of primary care. 2016 Jan 2;8(1):3-9. 

Keelan E, Browne BC. Resilience: friend or foe?. Clinical Medicine. 2018 Aug 1;18(4):350-.

Discussion topics

#Q1 What does resilience mean?

#Q2 Should an individual doctor be blamed by the regulator for poor "team resilience"?

#Q3 Can or should problems in mental health be blamed on a lack of a doctor's resilience?

#Q4 How might you promote mental health in your daily personal and professional life?

#Q5 Is "resilience" an excessively hyped-up concept?


This tweet chat is now in the past. Please see a transcript of the chat here.

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