COPD Care Bundles

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is one of the most common respiratory diseases in the UK. It is estimated that the prevalence of COPD in the UK is over 3 million, of which only about 900,000 have been diagnosed. COPD accounts for 10% of hospital medical admissions in the UK.

The British Thoracic Society (BTS), in association with NHS Improvement (NHSI) have developed admission and discharge care bundles for COPD. Care bundles are a simple way of focussing improvement efforts on a set of actions aimed at improving measurable outcomes.

This research seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of care bundles (i.e. co-ordinated packages of care) compared to usual care as a means of improving hospital care and reducing readmissions for patients with exacerbated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Find out more about the research.

Team: Prof Sarah Purdy, Dr Chris Metcalfe, Prof Will Hollingsworth, Dr Ali Heawood,
Dr Melanie Chalder, Dr James Calvert, Prof Jonathan Benger, Ms Sue Jenkins,
Dr Katherine Morton, Ms Anna King, Dr Padraig Dixon, Dr Stephanie MacNeill,
Ms Emily Sanderson.

Funded by: NIHR HS&DR

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