Poverty Dimensions of COVID-19 for Girls in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)

On Thursday 11th February 2021, the Bristol Poverty Institute (BPI) held its second webinar in our series exploring the impacts of COVID-19 on those experiencing, and/or at risk of falling into, poverty. This webinar focussed on how issues related to gender and poverty intersect in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) with a particular focus on girls, and how the global coronavirus pandemic has impacted on existing inequalities as well as potentially exposing new risks and challenges.

Featured speakers and their presentations are available below:

Dr Tigist Grieve, University of Bristol, UK & Dr Alba Lanau Sánchez, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.

‘Corona has really spoiled a lot of things’: Adolescent girls’ experiences of COVID in Burkina Faso & Uganda. Dr Tigist Grieve & Dr Alba Lanau Sánchez (PDF, 504kB)

Ms Maria McLaughlin, Plan International, UK.

The Case for Holistic Investment in Girls: Improving Lives, Realizing Potential, Benefitting Everyone. Ms Maria McLaughlin (PDF, 694kB)

Dr Anita Ghimire, Nepal Institute for Social and Environmental Research, Nepal.

The impact of COVID-19 on girls working in the adult entertainment sector in Nepal. Dr Anita Ghimire (PDF, 809kB)  

A video recording of the complete webinar is available below, time-stamped as follows:

00:00     Welcome and introduction from BPI Manager, Dr Lauren Winch

06:50     Dr Tigist Grieve and Dr Alba Lanau, Corona has really spoiled a lot of things

23:45     Ms Maria McLaughlin, The case for holistic investment in girls

42:35     Anita Ghimire, The impact of covid-19 on girls working in the adult entertainment sector in Nepal 

1:02:16  Q&A, Chaired by Dr Lauren Winch 

If you have any questions please contact bristol-poverty-institute@bristol.ac.uk.

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