Programme Day 2

Friday 18th of September 

Please note, times are UK (GMT+1)

Please attend the full session -  In case of technical issues the order or speakers may be changed to allow trouble shooting, therefore we cannot guarantee the exact start time of each speaker. 


Andrei Sarua     

UoB Senior Lecturer  

Session 5 – Chair: Andrei Sarua

Massimo Antognozzi         

UoB Senior Lecturer 

Developing a rapid label-free antibiotic susceptibility test 

Massimo_Antognozzi (PDF, 110kB)


Andrea Diaz Gaxiola   

BCFN student

Fabricating Light Responsive Hydrogels for Bio-hybrid Robotics

Andrea_Diaz_Gaxiola (PDF, 109kB)

 11:00-11:30 Coffee 

Session 6 – Chair: Ian Lindsay

Tudor Braniste 

NCMST researcher

Electro-mechanical sensing properties of nanocomposite material based on Aero-GaN embedded in PDMS

Tudor_Braniste (PDF, 139kB)


William Hoffmann   

BCFN student

Laser-induced convection increases error in nanoparticle sizes in Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis

William_Hoffmann (PDF, 135kB)


Yushi Yang       

BCFN student

Understanding the 3D collective behaviour of zebrafish

Yushi_Yang (PDF, 118kB)

 12:30-13:45 Lunch and Posters 

Session 7 – Chair: Annela Seddon

Sara Cavallaro 

KTH RIT Student

High-resolution size-based profiling and morphological analysis of extracellular vesicles by scanning electron and atomic force microscopy

Sara_Cavallaro (PDF, 189kB)Sara_Cavallaro (PDF, 189kB)


Pongsathon Boonrod 

BCFN student

Synthetic and Computational Studies of Poly(aniline)-Based Conjugated Microporous Polymers

Pongsathon_Boonrod (PDF, 103kB)


Nouf Zaghloul     

BCFN student

Scribe-on: writing wearable, flexible, and stretchable electronics

Nouf_Zaghloul (PDF, 126kB)


Niall Mulkerns     

BCFN student

Sensitivity and Stability Enhancements for Refractive Index Sensing via Backscattering Interferometry

Niall_Mulkerns (PDF, 96kB)



Annela Seddon   

BCFN Director

Closing remarks

 15:00 onwards – online drinks and chat




BCFN – Bristol Centre for Functional Nanomaterials

UoB – University of Bristol

NCMST – National Centre for Materials Study and Testing, Technical University of Moldova

MHH – Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

JCR - Joint Research Centre European Commission

UCL – University College London

KTH RIT - KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)

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