Programme Day 1

Thursday 17th of September 

Please note, times are UK (GMT+1)

Please attend the full session -  In case of technical issues the order or speakers may be changed to allow trouble shooting, therefore we cannot guarantee the exact start time of each speaker. 


Annela Seddon 

BCFN Director

Session 1  - 10:00-11:00 - Chair: Annela Seddon

Michael Thomas 

UCL Lecturer       

BCFN Alumni

Nanoparticle Empowered Disease Diagnostics


Michael_Thomas (PDF, 143kB)


Ella Carter         

BCFN student

DNA-Based Diagnostics and Delivery of Therapeutics for the Treatment of Gonorrhoea

Ella_Carter (PDF, 128kB)

 11:00-11:30 Coffee

Session 2 - 11:30-12:15 - Chair: Ian Lindsay

Irina Plesco   

NCMST student

Application of 2D and 3D semiconductor nano-architectures for organic dye photodegradation

 Irina_Plesco (PDF, 160kB)


Fergus Moore   

BCFN student

Active Matter in Porous Materials

Fergus_Moore (PDF, 97kB)


Matthew Skeats 

BCFN student

Chlorhexidine Polyphosphate: An Alternative to Antibiotics in Orthopaedic Bone Cements?

Matthew_Skeats (PDF, 103kB)

 12:15-13:30 Lunch and Posters 

Session 3 - 13:30 - 14:30 - Chair: Henkjan Gersen

Birgit Andree     

MHH researcher

Cardiovascular tissue engineering based on natural matrices

Birgit_Andree (PDF, 137kB)


William Macalester 

BCFN student

3D Bioprinting: Building a Human Bone-Dentin Interface

William_Macalester (PDF, 102kB)


Rafael Moreno   

BCFN student

Conciliating bottom-up and top-down approaches: Molecularly engineering silk fibroin for biomaterials fabrication

Rafael_Moreno_Tortolero (PDF, 111kB)

 14:30-15:00 Coffee 

Session 4 - 15:30 - 16:15 - Andrei Sarua

Cloe Desmet       

JRC postdoctoral researcher

Characterization of nanomaterials hydrophobicity: from research to harmonized testing

Cloe_Desmet (PDF, 152kB)


Fabiola Cardoso Delgado             

BCFN student

 Investigating blue leaf iridescence of Phyllagathis rotundifolia

Fabiola_Cardoso_Delgado (PDF, 175kB)









BCFN – Bristol Centre for Functional Nanomaterials

UoB – University of Bristol

NCMST – National Centre for Materials Study and Testing, Technical University of Moldova

MHH – Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

JCR - Joint Research Centre European Commission

UCL – University College London

RIT - Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)

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