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Details for Dr Clive Bowsher

Personal details
Name Dr Clive Bowsher
Job title Honorary Research Fellow
Department School of Mathematics University of Bristol
Personal web page
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 3318225
Qualifications MA(Cantab.), MPhil, PhD(Oxon.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Chartered Statistician (Royal Statistical Society)
Keywords statistics of dynamic systems
theoretical systems biology
mathematical biololgy
marked point processes
information theory
graphical modelling
applied probability
Areas of expertise Statistics of dynamic systems; theoretical systems biology; mathematics in molecular and cell biology.

Dynamics of biomolecular networks; sensing and information transfer by biochemical and signal transduction networks; stochastic kinetic model (SKM) and chemical master equation (CME) descriptions of reaction networks; modular architecture and information flow in biochemical reaction networks; dynamic conditional independence, modularity and graphs for SKMs; CMEs with fluctuating inputs and rate parameters; decomposing variation in biological systems.