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Details for Professor Martin Hurcombe

Personal details
Name Professor Martin Hurcombe
Job title Professor of French Studies
Department Department of French University of Bristol
Personal web page
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 928 8447
Qualifications B.A. (Hons.), Ph.D.(Bristol), PGCE
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Executive member of the Group for War and Culture Studies (based at the Universities of Westminster and Bristol).
Keywords French cultural representations of war
World War One
Spanish Civil War
political commitment
interwar fascism
interwar communism
Areas of expertise I am the author of 'Novelists in Conflict: Ideology and the Absurd in the French Combat Novel of the Great War' (Rodopi 2004) and of 'France and the Spanish Civil War: Cultural representations of the War next Door, 1936-1945' (Ashgate 2011). I am co-editor of 'Sébastien Japrisot: The Art of Crime' (Rodopi 2009).

I also have an interest in remembrance of World War One more generally in French culture (visual and literary arts) and in interwar political culture in France.
Languages (other than English)
French spoken    written
Media experience Interviews with BBC World Service, Pravda, and local media.