Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Ute Leonards

Personal details
Name Dr Ute Leonards
Job title Reader in Neuropsychology
Department School of Psychological Science University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications Dipl.Biol., Dr rer nat (Mainz)
Professional details
Keywords visual perception and action
visual attention
joint attention and action
ageing and dementia
eye movements
human-robot interaction
Areas of expertise My main research interests lie in the Cognitive Neurosciences, in particular the investigation of the neural mechanisms underpinning visual perception and attention, and their dependence on context. The definition of context ranges from visual environment over action, memory (and other executive functions) to personality traits and social interaction. My work covers the investigation of perceptual and attentional changes over the entire life span in healthy volunteers and various groups of neurological and psychiatric patients.
Languages (other than English)
German spoken    written
French spoken