Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Neal Farwell

Personal details
Name Professor Neal Farwell
Job title Professor of Composition
Department Department of Music University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications BA (Cantab.), MMus, PhD, MA (Cantab)
Professional details
Keywords music composition
acoustic ensemble
tape alone
live electronics
Charles Sanders Peirce
Areas of expertise My compositional output includes work for acoustic ensemble, tape alone, live electronics and installation. I have collaborated on theatre, dance and film projects. I have also developed a violin-like electronic instrument which puts the performer at the focus of the electronic sound-world - my work for the instrument, Gipsy fugue, has been performed in the UK and the USA. I also have interests in theoretical issues relating to the work in semiotics of Charles Sanders Peirce.