Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Marc Holderied

Personal details
Name Dr Marc Holderied
Job title Reader in Biological Sciences
Department School of Biological Sciences University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications Ph.D.(Erlangen)
Professional details
Keywords echolocation
sensory physiology of nectar-feeding bats
directional hearing (bats & insects)
bat flight
spatiotemporal use of natural habitats (bats)
interactions between echolocating bats & ultrasound sensitive prey
evolution of echo signatures in food & prey species
Areas of expertise I work on bioacoustics, in particular, acoustic Ecology and Behaviour of Bats and their prey. Key research areas are:
-echolocation: adaptive signal design; object recognition.
-sensory physiology of nectar-feeding bats (captive colony).
-directional hearing in bats and insects
-bat flight
-spatiotemporal use of natural habitats by bats (studied using 3D laser scanning).
-interactions between echolocating bats and prey that can hear ultrasound.
-evolution of echo signatures in food and prey species.
Languages (other than English)
German spoken    written