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Details for Dr Thomas Rendall

Personal details
Name Dr Thomas Rendall
Job title Senior Lecturer
Department Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications M.Eng., PhD(Bristol)
Professional details
Keywords interpolation
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Areas of expertise My research is now focussed on CFD for moving objects. The goal is to advance current methods to the point where it will be possible to easily model flows around moving, sliding or rotating objects, so that problems such as pistons, valves and propellers may be dealt with simply. Eventually, this will lead to full-flight aerodynamic simulation of aircraft. I am also collaborating on work aimed at optimising aerodynamic designs computationally, which will give designers greater insight into how to improve aircraft efficiency in the future.

I am a member of the Computational Aerodynamics research group.

Present research - Unsteady aerodynamic simulation for arbitrary motion.

Postdoctoral - Interpolation methods in CFD for data compression/trajectory calculation.

Postgraduate - Fluid-structure interpolation and mesh motion in aeroelastic simulation, supervised by Professor C.B. Allen