Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Helmut Hauser

Personal details
Name Dr Helmut Hauser
Job title Senior Lecturer in Robotics
Department Department of Engineering Mathematics University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies - Associate Editor of the Soft Robotics section of Frontiers in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
- Member of the Review Editorial Board of Frontiers in Bionics and Biomimetics
- Elected Member of the Supervisory Board of the (ITN Marie-Curie) EU project SMART-E
- Member of the EPSRC Associate Peer Review College
- Member of the review pool for Horizon 2020 FET open projects
- Member of the Technical Committee on Soft Robotics (IEEE)
Keywords Bio-inspired Robotics
Morphological Computation
Soft Robotics
artificial intelligence
Unconventional Robotics
Areas of expertise My research is focused on bio-inspired robotics. I am especially interesting in morphological computation (embodiment), which based on observations in nature, understands that the body of biological systems (animals, plants, etc.) is able to carry out complex computational tasks without using the brain or any other neural circuitry.

I am interested in understanding the underlaying principles of how complex physical properties of biological systems are exploited to facilitate learning and controlling tasks, and how these principles can be employed to design better robots and novel sensor technologies.

As a result I am looking in collaboration with biologists for unconventional solutions using soft materials (soft robotics) to design and build intelligent robots with intelligent bodies.
Languages (other than English)
German spoken    written
Spanish spoken    written
Media experience I have a lot of experience in giving presentations and organising and conducting outreach and engagement activities for the wider public (e.g. Pint of Science festival, The Gadget Show, local schools, etc.)

I have written highly successful, popular articles, e.g. "Morphological computation: The hidden superpower of soft-bodied robots” on Robohub which is Google’s number one search result for morphological computation (my field of expertise), see