Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Binyam Mogessie

Personal details
Name Dr Binyam Mogessie
Job title Research Fellow
Department School of Biochemistry University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications PhD, BSc
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies BSCB, ASCB, SRF, ESHRE
Keywords Chromosome segregation
Female fertility
Early mammalian embryogenesis
Mammalian egg development
Cytoskeletal dynamics
Areas of expertise All human life starts with the fertilisation of an egg by a sperm. In my research laboratory, we use very advanced microscopes to help us look inside mammalian eggs so that we can learn all the secrets behind how these giant cells eventually become a human being. To observe various life processes of eggs in action, we use fluorescent molecular colours to label their DNA. We also label the tiny molecular machines that carry this DNA and the tracks they follow to move it from one location to another inside these large cells. We combine all of these to shoot spectacular and colourful movies of the life of an egg as it prepares itself to be fertilised by a sperm. Using these techniques, we have recently made discoveries including a process eggs use to protect themselves from conditions that cause pregnancy failures and Down’s syndrome. For further info go to:
Languages (other than English)
Amharic spoken    written