Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Judith Masson

Personal details
Name Professor Judith Masson
Job title Professor of Socio-Legal Studies
Department University of Bristol Law School University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Telephone number work(0117) 954 5304
Qualifications B.A.(Cantab.), Ph.D.(Leic.)
Professional details
Keywords family law
Children Act 1989
Child protection
child care law
Child contact
judicial statistics
judicial decision making
Areas of expertise My expertise combines knowledge of the law (statute, case and regulation) with a research-based understanding of the law's operation in practice.

My empirical work for the last 15 years has focused on legal aspects of the child protection system with studies of emergency intervention by the police and social workers; court (care) proceedings including the representation of children by children's guardians, the representation of parents and children by lawyers, legal aid and judicial decision-making.

I also have expertise in the development and operation of family law more generally. This includes work on family foundation and family breakdown. I have researched and written on the development of adoption law, inter country adoption and adoption by step-parents (both in the UK and elsewhere). My expertise in family breakdown includes the law and practice of handling contact disputes, domestic violence and disputes about family property and finance.
Media experience Radio 4 and local radio.