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Details for Dr Ian Bull

Personal details
Name Dr Ian Bull
Job title Research Fellow in Analytical Chemistry
Department School of Chemistry University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc. (Bristol), Ph.D.(Bristol)
Professional details
Keywords soil organic matter
soil environment
analytical methodologies
stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry
Areas of expertise My current research interests concern key aspects of the terrestrial environment and, in particular, soil organic matter (SOM), the nature of which is still not wholly understood by the scientific community despite many years of study. Intimately related with this topic is the impact that plants, animals and humans have on the chemistry of the soil environment and how an understanding of the resultant changes can be used to better manage the Earth's resources, investigate the history of soils and neutralise or prevent the effects of pollution in the natural environment. Much progress in these areas has been hampered to date by the limitations of analytical methodologies available. Only with the relatively recent introduction of new techniques, based on organic and compound specific stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry, has it been possible to start probing the complex, dynamic and living 'black box' that constitutes soil.