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Details for Dr David Shankland

Personal details
Name Dr David Shankland
Job title Senior Research Fellow in Archaeology and Anthropology
Department Department of Anthropology and Archaeology University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Qualifications M.A.(Edin.), Ph.D.(Cantab.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Royal Anthropological Institute,
European Association of Social Anthropologists, Turkish Studies Association,
Association of Social Anthropologists of Great Britain and the Commonwealth.
Keywords Turkey
Areas of expertise I specialise in modern Turkey, in particular social and political change in that country. I have made a particular study of a minority known as the Alevis, and also of relations between government, state and religion.

I have also worked, with the University of Bamberg, on questions of Turkish migrant groups in Europe, particularly in Germany. An anthropologist by training, I have a professional interest too in the history and philosophy of the discipline.
Languages (other than English)
Turkish spoken    written
Media experience Regular radio interviews, occasional television.