Directory of Experts

Details for Professor George Sanford

Personal details
Name Professor George Sanford
Job title Emeritus Professor of East European Politics
Department School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies University of Bristol
Work contact details
Email address
Qualifications B.A.(Bristol), M.Phil., Ph.D.(Lond.)
Professional details
Keywords Eastern Europe
European governments
English nationalism
Areas of expertise Academic specialisation in Politics Department at Bristol University since 1966, including publication of nine books plus numerous journal articles and book chapters on:

East-Central European History and Politics, especially of Poland, since 1918.

Yugoslavia - Bosnia/Kosovo especially issues of border revision, population transfer and nation building.

Relations between Western-Eastern Europe, EUs eastern enlargement.

Nationalism (especially debates on integral nationalism in Western Europe and
ethno-nationalism in Eastern Europe).

Massacre - debates on historical justice and commemoration and European reconciliation.
Languages (other than English)
Polish spoken   
French spoken