Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Mark Jackson

Personal details
Name Dr Mark Jackson
Job title Senior Lecturer in Postcolonial Geographies
Department School of Geographical Sciences University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A.(Hons), M.A., Ph.D.(Alta.)
Professional details
Keywords postcolonialism
urban present
political ecology
critical pedagogies
Areas of expertise My research interests lie at the intersections between philosophy and social theory, post-colonialism, urban studies, social history, political ecology, and visual studies. I am currently engaged in a number of research projects.

Theoretical lacunae and critical absences in current writing on urban modernity: I am working on a monograph which critically addresses Calcutta as a paradigmatic space of urban modernity. Precisely because of its contradictions, and contiguous histories with empires and capital, Calcutta reveals an immanent ruin at the heart of hegemonic global modernities.

The exhibition assemblage:

a) Colonial and postcolonial exhibition spaces and the commoditization of the geographical imaginary.

b) With his colleague, Veronica della Dora, Mark has begun work on a research project looking at how artificial islands have become exhibitive avatars of many contemporary spatial desires and anxieties.

‘Aerographies’: Interrogating the elemental assumptions behind recent human geographies of matter and relation.