Directory of Experts

Details for Mr Peter Metelerkamp

Personal details
Name Mr Peter Metelerkamp
Job title Reader in Teaching & Learning
Department Department of Film and Television University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A. Hons (Natal), M.A. (University of Wales: Newport), PG Dip (University of Natal)
Professional details
Keywords documentary still photography
still images
authorship and objectivity
documentary process
South Africa
Areas of expertise My main medium of personal research and practice is documentary still photography.

As a researcher and photographer, I am particularly interested in the way the still image made by mechanical means may provide a vehicle for reflection on, and understanding of, our relation with the material world, and how pictures convey feelings and ideas. This embraces the social and political meaning of images, the relationship between authorship and objectivity, and issues in documentary process and practice.

My recent documentary and research work has been concentrated in South Africa, and has connections with the wider field of colonial and post-colonial studies.

I am also interested in, and developing new work on, the relationship between culture and place, and the way places are shaped and managed by the intervention of human presence.