Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Simon McIntosh-Smith

Personal details
Name Professor Simon McIntosh-Smith
Job title Professor in High Performance Computing
Department Department of Computer Science University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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Professional details
Keywords High Performance Computing
GPU computing
many-core processors
multi-core processors
computer architecture
super computing
Areas of expertise I have fifteen years of experience in industry designing and programming some of the world's fastest parallel processors using many-core and multi-core techniques. These processors were developed for High Performance Computing (HPC) and embedded Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications.

Research interests include using the latest graphics processors (GPUs) to solve important computational problems in HPC and using parallel programming languages such as OpenMP, MPI, OpenCL and CUDA.

Applications of interest are generally within the life sciences space, such as genome sequencing, molecular dynamics (e.g. protein folding and drug docking), and also quantum chemistry.

I am also interested in the issues of scaling super computers to millions of processors.
Media experience In industry I have written dozens of press releases, given many press briefings, and presented at leading commercial conferences and seminars. I've been interviewed for several magazines and newspapers, including The Times and IEEE Spectrum.