Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Ian Farrow

Personal details
Name Dr Ian Farrow
Job title Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Structural Design
Department Department of Aerospace Engineering University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Soton), Ph.D.(Cran.I.T.)
Professional details
Keywords aerospace composites
design methods
design toold
aerospace composites
acoustic emission monitoring
fatigue damage
Areas of expertise I am a member of the Aerospace Composites research group. My interests include:- design and analysis of aerospace composite structures, rationalisation of design methods and design processes, development and simplification of design tools, initial sizing and stressing analysis and development of training courses.

Current research at Bristol has developed the use of state of the art Acoustic Emission monitoring to identify individual damage events and to detect damage thresholds.

Results support the hypotheses of load cycle mix interaction and transient wear-in of damage states and provide a wealth of information to understand the fatigue damage accumulation process.