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Details for Professor Yongjin Zhang

Personal details
Name Professor Yongjin Zhang
Job title Professor of International Politics
Department School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A. (Equivalent) (Anhui), M.A. (Equivalent) (Xiamen), M.Phil, Oxford, D.Phil.(Oxon.)
Professional details
Keywords international relations theory
Chinese history
Chinese global businesses
political economy
East Asian regionalism
regional security in the Asia-Pacific
international relations in ancient China
Areas of expertise My principal research interest and publications cut across the boundaries of international relations theory and Chinese history, politics, economic transformation and international relations. I have also published in the area of the political economy of Chinese global businesses and that of East Asian regionalism and regional security in the Asia-Pacific. One of my current research projects is on International Relations in Ancient China: Ideas, Institutions and Law, an interdisciplinary research drawing upon political philosophy, history of ideas, ancient history and international relations theory.