Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Daniel Robert

Personal details
Name Professor Daniel Robert
Job title Professor of Bionanoscience
Department School of Biological Sciences University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications Dipl.Biol.(Neuchatel), Ph.D.(Basle)
Professional details
Keywords behavioural biology
auditory systems
sensory adaptation
Areas of expertise My research concentrates on the comparative study of the behavioural biology, biomechanics and evolution of auditory systems. Audition is investigated with regard to the diversity of sensory ecological contexts in which it evolved. This research contributes to the understanding of evolutionary sensory adaptation and instructs us on the 'how and why' constraints that operate on the design of sensory systems. For instance, the study of the biophysics of hearing in small parasitoid flies has led to the discovery of a novel principle of directional hearing and the development of a biologically-inspired directional subminiature microphone. My research thus also promotes the beneficial and reciprocal interactions between Physical, Engineering and Biological Sciences.