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Details for Dr Chris Kent

Personal details
Name Dr Chris Kent
Job title Senior Lecturer
Department School of Psychological Science University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc., Ph.D.(Warw.)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Experimental Psychology Society
Bristish Psychological Society
Keywords mathematical modelling
time course of cognition
object recognition
absolute identification
inverse base-rate effect
encoding-retrieval interaction
Areas of expertise My general research interest is in perceptual cognition, with a special interest in the time course of cognition. More specifically, I am interested in the perceptual and memory processes that support a wide range of cognitive tasks. For example, how are perceptually processed objects encoded, stored, and retrieved from memory? An area that particularly interests me is how perceptual encoding processes and retrieval processes interact. I have studied a variety of tasks that seem to involve overlapping (and hence general) cognitive operations, including, identification, categorization, object recognition, perceptual matching, visual search, and memory search. As well as using traditional experimental techniques (including psychophysical, eye tracking, and signal-to-respond methodologies) I develop and use simple mathematical models that embody general processing principles which should offer an account of many perceptual and memory based tasks.