Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Kim Etherington

Personal details
Name Professor Kim Etherington
Job title Emeritus Professor
Department School of Education University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications M.Sc., Ph.D.(Bristol)
Professional details
Keywords trauma
narrative research methodologies
reflexive research methodologies
Areas of expertise My research interests are related to my teaching at the University and my private practice as a counsellor, supervisor, consultant and trainer in voluntary and statutory organisations, especially in the field of trauma, abuse and health.

I am particularly interested in using, teaching and supervising reflexive and narrative research methodologies and in exploring the researcher's personal and professional development through using these methods.

As a practitioner-researcher my aim is to bridge the gap between practice and research, and academia and the community, through writing, editing and publishing accessible texts and to encourage and assist others in doing the same.