Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Volker Heyd

Personal details
Name Professor Volker Heyd
Job title Professor in Prehistoric Archaeology
Visiting Professor
Department Department of Anthropology and Archaeology University of Bristol
Department of Anthropology and Archaeology University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications Ph.D.
Professional details
Keywords early Iron Age
isotope projects
prehistoric populations
pattern of mobility
Eastern Thrace
fieldwork projects
Areas of expertise Although having researched a wide range of archaeological topics, much of my interests have focused on the following main areas in the last 10 years:

I am currently running two fieldwork projects. The one research is located in Eastern France and looks into an early Iron Age princely hillfort and its surrounding ritual landscape. The other project is a cooperated one and based in the European part of Turkey (Eastern Thrace). It investigates several sites in the Istanbul province mainly belonging to the Neolithic, Bronze Age, and Classical Periods.

I am coordinating with my colleague Alistair Pike at the moment two funded isotope projects. They are both co-operated research projects with partners from Germany and their objective is to investigate into pattern of mobility and diet of different prehistoric populations. Additionally, we are piloting currently two further isotope projects, the one with colleagues from Switzerland, the other from Hungary.