Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Trish Dolan

Personal details
Name Dr Trish Dolan
Job title Senior Research Fellow in Centre for Comparative and Clinical Anatomy
Department Centre for Applied Anatomy University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc., PhD
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine
Society for Back Pain Research
British Orthopaedic Research Society
Keywords back pain
neck pain
mechanical loading
muscle function
tissue injury
Electromyographic assessments
kinematic assessments
Areas of expertise Our research uses in vitro testing procedures and in vivo electromyographic and kinematic assessments to investigate mechanisms of spinal injury and deformity. Using a technique called stress profilometry, we have demonstrated, in cadaver spines, how various types of loading can lead to high stress concentrations in the intervertebral disc that may initiate subsequent disc degeneration. Stress profilometry has also shown how altered loading due to disc degeneration can influence the risk of osteoporotic vertebral fracture, and how the detrimental effects of such fracture can be reversed by techniques such as vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty. Our studies in living people have shown how factors such as muscle fatigue and soft tissue creep can alter sensorimotor function and impair reflex and voluntary control of the back muscles. Such changes in muscle function can lead to increased spinal loading which, in an occupational setting, may lead to an increased risk of injury.