Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Simon Satchell

Personal details
Name Dr Simon Satchell
Job title Reader in Renal Medicine
Department Bristol Medical School (THS) University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications M.B.B.S.(Lond.), Ph.D.(Bristol), M.R.C.P.(RCP), CCST Renal Medicine, CCST General Med
Professional details
Keywords glomerular endothelial cells
glomerular capillary wall
glomerular filtration barrier
Areas of expertise Glomerular endothelial cells (GEnC) form the innermost layer of the glomerular capillary wall which constitutes the glomerular filtration barrier.

We are working to understand in detail the contribution of GenC to the glomerular filtration barrier in terms of the above ultrastructural features and corresponding physiology. We are examining how this normal function is disturbed in disease states and exploring ways of correcting these disturbances therapeutically. We have developed unique conditionally immortalised human GEnC lines to enable detailed studies in vitro.

Specific projects include the role of the glycocalyx and its disturbance by heparanase and by diabetes, regulation and ultrastructure of fenestrations, effects of soluble mediators (VEGF and angiopoietins) on GEnC barrier properties, mechanisms of the anti-proteinuric effect of interferon beta and interactions with podocytes. The later involves development of in vitro models of the glomerular filtration barrier incorporating coculture and flowing medium to induce shear stress.