Directory of Experts

Details for Dr James Wookey

Personal details
Name Dr James Wookey
Job title Reader in Geophysics
Department School of Earth Sciences University of Bristol
Personal web page
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications M.Phys.(Warw.), Ph.D.(Leeds)
Professional details
Keywords seismology
seismic anisotropy
the Earth
Areas of expertise My research is in theoretical and observational seismology with an emphasis on seismic anisotropy. This property - the variation of seismic velocity with direction - can be used to infer dynamical and mineralogical properties in a variety of settings from hydrocarbon reservoirs to the whole mantle, and I work on problems at both ends of this scale.

My most recent research has emphasized linking seismic observations with predictions from experimental and computational mineral physics, applied to understanding the nature of the Earth’s lowermost mantle and inner core. This involves developing, implementing and applying both novel data analysis and forward-modelling techniques.