Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Therese O'Toole

Personal details
Name Dr Therese O'Toole
Job title Reader in Sociology
Department School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.A., Ph.D.(Hull)
Professional details
Keywords ethnicity
political participation
urban governance
political engagement
Ethnic Minority Young Activists
General Election 2017
Areas of expertise I am currently completing research from a Leverhulme Trust funded project on Political Engagement among Ethnic Minority Young Activists, on which I was PI. This qualitative project studied political activism among ethnic minority young people in Birmingham and Bradford, exploring personal political biographies, encounters with the local state, the role of ethnicity, race and faith in animating political action and the impact of place and space on young activists’ political imaginaries.

In July 2010, I will launch a new research project, funded by the ESRC/AHRC Religion and Society Large Grants Scheme (£328,947), on Muslim Participation in Contemporary Governance, on which I am PI, working with Professor Tariq Modood and Dr Nasar Meer (University of Southampton). This 30 month project will study the participation of Muslim groups and representatives in national and local governance.