Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Tony Prosser

Personal details
Name Professor Tony Prosser
Job title Professor of Public Law
Department University of Bristol Law School University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications LL.B.(Liv.)
Professional details
Keywords public law
public utilities
competition law
reflexive governance
Areas of expertise My main research interests are in Public Law relating to privatisation and regulation, especially regulation of public utilities and of broadcasting. My most recent book is The Limits of Competition Law (OUP, 2005), and I am now working on different social and economic models of regulation. I am also a participant in a major European project on Reflexive Governance, in particular in relation to services of general interest. My teaching interests are in the areas of law and government, law and the economy, and social and legal theory.