Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Angela Doufexi

Personal details
Name Professor Angela Doufexi
Job title Professor of Wireless Networks
Department Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Athens), M.Sc.(Wales), Ph.D.(Bristol)
Professional details
Keywords advanced wireless communications
wireless networks
space-time coding
multimedia transmission
cross layer optimisation
opportunistic scheduling
Areas of expertise I have worked on a number of projects including the European IST projects SATURN, ROMANTIK and WCAM. My research interests include OFDM and OFDMA systems, wireless LANs (PHY and MAC), space time coding and MIMO, 4th generation communications systems, multimedia transmission. I have published over 40 journal and conference papers in these areas.