Directory of Experts

Details for Dr Andrew Medford

Personal details
Name Dr Andrew Medford
Job title Honorary Senior Lecturer
Department Bristol Medical School (THS) University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications BSc(Hons), MBChB(Edin.), MD(Edin.), MRCP, FRCP, FRCPE, FRCPSG, FCCP, FAPSR, FEFIM, FHEA, AMBCS, PGDip(Ultrasound), Dip(Risk Man)
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies Royal College of Physicians (London, Edinburgh, Glasgow)
British Thoracic Society
British Thoracic Oncology Group
American College of Chest Physicians
European Association of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
Asian Pacific Society of Respirology
European Federation of Internal Medicine
International Network of Endoscopists
Keywords respiratory medicine
endobronchial ultrasound
interventional/advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy
clinical coding & health economics
pleural ultrasound and disease
lung VEGF biology
Areas of expertise I am the lead consultant for endobronchial ultrasound and advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy. I have developed locally a tertiary endobronchial ultrasound service.

Research interests include endobronchial ultrasound, health economics & clinical coding, VEGF biology in the lung and pleural disease as well as medical education.

I am a NICE Specialist Advisor for interventional pulmonology procedures and serve on the BTS Specialist Advisory Group for interventional procedures, Standards of Care Committee, the Coding Data Advisory Group, the editorial board of Respiration, Thoracic Cancer and the Global Journal of Respiratory Care. I am also Education Editor for the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh Journal.