Directory of Experts

Details for Professor Richard Dixon

Personal details
Name Professor Richard Dixon
Job title Emeritus Professor in Chemistry
Department School of Chemistry University of Bristol
Contact details This expert can be contacted via the University of Bristol Public Relations Office.

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work+44 (0)117 331 8092
Qualifications B.Sc.(Lond.), Ph.D.(Cantab), Sc.D.(Cantab.), FRS, F.R.S.C., C.Chem.
Professional details
Membership of professional bodies The Royal Society
Royal Society of Chemistry
Keywords optical spectroscopy
complex molecular dynamics
laser based techniques
quantum chemistry
time-dependent quantum theory
photodissociation dynamics
polyatomic radicals
atmospheric/combustion chemistry
Areas of expertise My research involves the development and application of optical spectroscopy to Chemistry, and in particular the quantitative, quantum dynamical analysis of complex molecular dynamics. Currently the applications of laser based techniques, quantum chemistry, and time-dependent quantum theory to photodissociation dynamics have become its major themes. The target molecules include polyatomic radicals of relevance in atmospheric and/or combustion chemistry, small molecular ions, and aromatic chromophores. Much of this work is in collaboration with Professor Mark Ashfold and some with Professor Xueming Yang of Dalian, China.