Bristol Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professorships Showcase 

10-13 May 2021 (online) 

The International Research Partnerships team organised a series of talks showcasing some of our Bristol Benjamin Meaker Distinguished Visiting Professors and their University of Bristol hosts. A wide range of scholarly fields were represented and researchers beamed in from different corners of the world to give their presentations.

Former BBMDVPs and their hosts presented their research projects and discussed their ongoing collaborations and the impacts that have been achieved, as well as their experience of the scheme and their stay in Bristol.

This Showcase was part of the virtual Festival of International Research and Partnerships which took place from 19 April – 19 May 2021.

Below you can find recordings and information about the events that took place:

Downloadable table version of BBMDVP Showcase events

To access the recordings, please click on the event's name