IEU Seminar: Fernando Hartwig

8 February 2022, 1.00 PM - 8 February 2022, 2.00 PM

Online via Zoom

Visting Researching Fernando Hartwig will be presenting three seminars as part of the Bristol 'Next Generation' Researcher Programme 

Title: The NO Simultaneous Heterogeneity assumption for average causal effect estimation via instrumental variables


Instrumental variable (IV) analysis can be used to assess causality in non-experimental data if certain assumptions (relevance, independence and exclusion restriction) hold. However, even under this assumption (in which case the IV is considered valid), interpreting the point estimate is typically challenging and often requires additional assumptions. One causal parameter that is often of interest is the average causal effect (ACE), and it is well known that this parameter is identified if the effect of the treatment on the outcome is homogeneous. In this lecture I will present the NO Simultaneous Heterogeneity (NOSH) assumption. Under this assumption, the ACE is identified even if homogeneity does not hold.


Dr Hartwig received his MSc and Doctorate degrees in Epidemiology at Federal University of Pelotas (Brazil), where he currently is an assistant professor in Epidemiology and a permanent researcher at the Postgraduate Program in Epidemiology. Dr Hartwig also holds an honorary research fellow position at Bristol Medical School (University of Bristol, UK). His research interests are related to the field of causal inference in epidemiology, with emphasis on empirical and methodological work on instrumental variable analysis. He is also interested in translation of statistical methods between different fields of epidemiology.

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