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More about this project

The EELS (Embedded E-Learning Solutions) project was an internal elearning software development project funded by the University of Bristol.

The aim of the project was to develop a data entry system for collecting student practical work. Involved in the trial were staff and students within the Schools of Veterinary, Medicine and Dentistry science.

The project designed and developed the Clinical Experience Recorder, an online web-based system for recording students' clinical clerking cases and allowing tutors to review and assess their students' material.

    The software features :-
  • An easy to use interface based on the very latest XFORM and AJAX technology
  • Integration with the university single sign on service
  • A dynamic workflow engine which allows the cer to closely model current practice
  • Full discussion and commenting system to let tutors review and provide specific feedback to students.
Project dates
05 Apr 2007

For further information, see the project's website:

Project collaborator(s):
Bevis Miller Simon Price Chris Bailey
Mr Peter Walker