1. Nouns and Noun Phrases
1.1 Describing Language
1.2 Noun Phrases
1.3 Articles
1.4 Quantifiers
1.5 Adjectives and Nouns
1.6 Relative Clauses
1.7 Prepositional Phrases
2. Verbs
2.1 The English Verb
2.2 Auxiliary Verbs
2.3 Modal Verbs
2.4 Verb Patterns
2.5 Active and Passive
3. Sentences
3.1 Types of Sentence
3.2 Simple Sentences
3.3 Compound Sentences
3.4 Complex Sentences
3.5 Complex-compound Sentences
4. Text Organisation
4.1 Patterns of Organisation
4.2 Process
4.3 Compare-contrast
4.4 Cause-effect
4.5 Problem-solution
4.6 Claim-counterclaim
4.7 Embedded Patterns of Text
5. Supporting Arguments
5.1 Exemplification
5.2 Reporting Data
5.3 Reporting Other's Ideas
5.4 Hedging
5.5 Evaluation